“I envision an Orthodox Christian community, devoted to worshiping God, and living the Gospel in the hope of our Salvation”

Love - Joy - Peace - Patience - Kindness - Goodness - Fidelity - Gentleness - Self-Control


By making a yearly stewardship pledge you acknowledge that everything we have is a gift from God, and we offer back a portion of these gifts to him, supporting the many Ministries at All Holy Spirit.

As important as your financial contributions, your commitments of Time and Talent not only support the parish, but help you grow spiritually as well. As has been said, “To serve is a joy and a privilege, and in serving we grow spiritually. It is not enough for our love of Christ to remain hidden only within our hearts. It must be expressed outwardly as well.” Please seek out ways to offer yourself to the church through our various groups, ministries or volunteer positions. Further information on the Stewardship tab of this website.

Debbie Birge
Shelly Petrow

Brief biography......[more]
“I envision an Orthodox Christian community, devoted to worshiping God, and living the Gospel in the hope of our Salvation”

Love - Joy - Peace - Patience - Kindness - Goodness - Fidelity - Gentleness - Self-Control

Sunday Morning Orthros 8:30 & Divine Liturgy 9:30

450 South 193rd Street, Elkhorn, Nebraska | Fr. Alexander Lukashonok, Presbyter | 847-749-5611


Brief biography...